Entries by Megan

Decisions Are Hard

I love wearing glasses. I mean, I think I’ve talked about my love for my glasses about a million times (you can read one instance here) and that love isn’t going anywhere. People keep asking me when I’m going to get my eyes “fixed” and I have to say…I don’t think I will! At least, […]

Music to Remedy Your Writer’s Block

I made a rad playlist of songs to get you over your writer’s block over at Sweet Lemon Magazine’s Zesty Digest…go check it out! I’ve found myself in quite a creative rut lately, and a few of these tunes are helping me find my way out. Enjoy, and then write away!!! (Self portrait of me […]

Playing Hooky

If you’ve met me in real life, you probably already know this, but I’m a total rule follower. It doesn’t bode well for my creative side, but it’s true. For the most part, although I wish I was Angela Chase from My So Called Life, let’s face it, I’m really Sharon. Yes, Sharon. The horrible […]

Happy Weekend!

It’s Friday, y’all! Hooray! I’m headed to the family farm for a weekend of napping, playing with the kids, exploring, and enjoying my mother-in-law’s cooking. I’m one lucky lady. This week was mostly spent recovering from Alt Summit, and I think this will be the perfect way to bookend that experience. There is nothing more […]

High Maintenance

So, packing for Alt Summit can be a bit daunting (sidenote: Sorry, I promise this is the last Alt-related post this week! And it’s a funny one!). I was stressed for a few weeks trying to decide what outfits to bring, how I’d do my hair and what shoes would go with what. Basically I […]

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