Entries by Megan

7 x 7 : Week 3

I took a little 7 x 7 hiatus while I was at Alt (and then while I was recovering from Alt), but it’s back! Hope you enjoy this random look at our last week. crazy static hair on the slide on a random 70 degree day in February // my girl by the old train […]

Working Mom Must-Haves

When Lulu was a baby and I went back to work, I (like everything else I did when Lu was a baby) had no clue what I was doing. I didn’t know where to look for resources or advice on how to balance having a career and motherhood, so I made up the rules as […]

Happy Weekend!

Well hello, Friday! I’m happy to see you. This is a short week for us due to our hooky playing ways earlier in the week and the fact that Lu doesn’t have school today for parent-teacher conferences. Tate, Lu and I have plans to go see my Little Sister at college and then spend the […]

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