Entries by Megan

Happy Weekend!

Goodness, y’all, I don’t even know what day it is…Friday? Sunday? Whatever, these snow days have thrown me for a loop. We have had such a wonderful time lazing around without our alarm clocks, but I can definitely say I’m ready to get back to our regular routine. Too bad there is another storm coming […]

Snow Day

We had the first big snowstorm Kansas City has seen in years today, and it was pretty freaking fantastic! There was thundersnow! THUNDERSNOW!!! I woke up to lighting outside my window and snow falling in my yard. It was crazy! Luckily the schools had already called for the snow day last night, so we all […]

Bloglife: Privacy and Other Concerns

From time to time I plan on sharing a bit about what I learned during my years as a blogger. Hopefully these posts will give you all a bit of insight on how and why I do what I do, and how bloggers fit this crazy Internet world into their lives. I hope you enjoy […]

A Little Go Mighty Update

We are coming up on the end of my Go Mighty Challenge, and I am so, SO CLOSE to my goal. I have loved this journey and meeting all of these incredible mothers. Each one of them has a story to tell, some hugely epic and some wonderfully relatable…but all very important. I feel honored […]

Happy Weekend!

Hey everyone! I hope you had a great week. We have a three-day weekend around here, and we got a little snow dumped on us last night, so for the most part we haven’t left our warm house. This evening Trent and I have date night (our first in months…that’s so sad) and I’m hoping […]

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