Entries by Megan

March Inspiration

It’s almost Spring, right? Because as much as I’ve loved the snow days (and trust me, I have loved them), I ready to be rid of all of this grey. I never have really been in the winter doldrums before, but this year has been particularly tough. Particularly wonderful as well, but I think when […]

Go Mighty Update : I DID IT!

Last week, right under the wire, I completed my Go Mighty goal of photographing 15 mothers and capturing the essence of motherhood. I’m so happy and excited to share this with all of you! It’s hard to put into words how much work this goal ended up being, especially considering the time crunch, but I’m […]

It Takes a Village

I found this via Girls Gone Child and I just wanted to share it with all of you working moms out there. We do not do this alone. Thank you so much to every person that has helped me raise my amazing children, especially Amanda, Caroline, Lauren, Molly, Amy, Stacey and Nancy. You have made […]

The Remedy

Today was our third snow day in less than one week. Tomorrow will be our fourth. Tonight we got the email from the school district saying they were closing for another day to keep the kids off the roads. On Facebook, there was a lot of grumbling. Me? I don’t know…I’m okay with it. This […]

Love, Joy and the Universe

Simon Potter, born February 24, 2013 There are days when I flashback to when my children were born. Days that are warm and birds are singing (Lucy, born in June) and days when the snow softly falls and the air is crisp (Tate, born in December). I often think about surreal it all was, how […]

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