Entries by Megan

Currently Listening To : Kacey Musgraves

Photo by Kelly Christine Musgraves I’m about to blow your minds, people. My current favorite artist is a COUNTRY SINGER. Yes, country. Yes, me. I know, I’ll give you a second to compose yourselves. Alright, now let me explain. Last year I contacted an incredible artist on Etsy who ended up doing an amazing family […]

Happy Weekend!

Hey, hey, it’s FRIDAY! I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’m actually sad that Spring Break is almost over. Yesterday Lu and I spent the entire day together (post upcoming…I love my girl and this city we call home!) and I remembered how lovely it can be when we all just slow down and […]

Spring Break : The Omaha Zoo

Hello friends! I’m checking in quickly in the midst of our “at home” spring break. This year I decided to try and make our lame, no beach spring break a bit more fun, so I enlisted my mother-in-law on a road trip. She had no idea what she was in for…but a few hours north […]

Spring Breakin’

(2009, Spring Breaking at Honeymoon Island, Florida – Lulu, 2-years-old) Remember when Spring Break meant multiple kegs and hotel rooms full of your best friends sleeping on top of each other because you were too cheap to get more than one room for eight people? Ahhh, those were the days. Lucy’s Spring Break started last […]

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