Entries by Megan

I Heart KC : The Great Wolf Lodge

As a part of our “at home” Spring Break this year, I thought it might be fun to try and take the kids somewhere overnight here in the city. That way even though we weren’t going somewhere foreign and tropical, they’d still feel like we “got away.” And I wouldn’t have to travel for hours […]

Happy Weekend! (Plus a little more Go Mighty fun…)

Oh, hey, it’s Friday! I’m so excited for this weekend. After so many grey, dark months, it finally, FINALLY feels like spring outside and we plan to take full advantage. We have Lucy’s first soccer game and I’m sure we’ll be spending lots of hours cleaning up the yard and starting some garden projects. I […]

Easter in the Mud

I know I’m a few days late, but I wanted to share a few photos from our family Easter at the farm. We had such an incredible time, mostly due to the fact that it finally felt like SPRING! After all the snow we’ve had the past few months, it was so lovely to be […]

My First Piece in Sweet Lemon Magazine!

I’m so, so excited to share my first article published in Sweet Lemon Magazine. I wrote a piece about a fun DIY I’ve been wanting to share for ages. I hope you head over to Sweet Lemon Magazine and check it out! While you’re there, take a glance at the amazing relaunch of the site […]

The Wisdom of Two Year Olds

Hey, hey, it’s FRIDAY! I hope you all are gearing up for a fun weekend, and if you celebrate Easter, I hope you get lots of pink jellybeans in your basket (they’re the best kind, in my opinion). We are getting ready to head back to the farm to spend the weekend with family, but […]

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