Entries by Megan

Hitting Refresh

Oh, hey there, Internet! It’s been a while, huh? Last week, as things went from bad to worse in the national news, I found myself, for the first time in ages, unable to post here. I’m going through some personal things as well, and along with my uncle’s funeral and the anniversary of my dear […]

Love Will Always Win

Today I sat at my computer watching the cursor blink. Flash. Flash. Flash. Nothing. How can this keep happening? What is wrong with the world? Why? WHY?! I used to get really angry at the injustice on our planet. I used to rage and scream and beat my chest until my heart rate was beyond […]

On Happiness, Calm and Being Myself

This week was a little gloomy in my neck of the woods. After we finally had a full week of sun and sandals, this week it snowed (WHAT? KANSAS YOU ARE DRUNK!) and rained pretty much the entire time. It was chilly, but I refused to get my winter boots back out and spent most […]

Newborn Photos : Simon Potter Stover

A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of photographing a new little boy that has joined my extended friend-family. Mr. Simon is the newest son of my good friends Heath and Mikayla, and as I’ve somehow become their resident family photographer, I was so excited to take some images of the newest member of […]

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