Entries by Megan

Happy Weekend : Family Movie Night

We have a standing tradition in our house that weekends are for movie nights! Lulu is a huge fan of this idea, and honestly, would have movie night every night if she could. It has become something that Lu and I can do together, that doesn’t cause too much stress and isn’t hard to pull […]

Photo a Day Challenge : April 2013

It’s been a little over a year since I did a photo challenge on Instagram, so I figured it was time to jump in again! I find these challenges to be so rewarding, especially since I am totally guilty of being an Instagram mom who only posts pictures of her kids. Photo challenges help me […]

Big Plans

Things I Plan to Do This Weekend: 1. Watch every episode of Scandal I can get my hands on. (I blame Michelle for this…) 2. Plant all the flowers that have been sitting in our sunroom waiting for Kansas to realize it’s spring already and quit snowing. 3. Attempt to potty train one very surly […]

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