Entries by Megan

A Photography Guide for the Non-Photographer

So, you got a new camera for Mother’s Day, huh?! Lucky you! Or maybe you finally got your friend’s hand-me-down point and shoot. Or you’re just an Instagramming fool, taking tons of shots with your phone or other mobile device. Well, you don’t need to be a professional photographer to take beautiful photos, and you […]

A Belated Mother’s Day 2013 Wrap Up

I know it’s a bit late, but I wanted to share a little from our fun Mother’s Day. Truth be told, we didn’t really do too much this year, which was pretty fantastic. Last year was lovely, with brunch and a day at the park (read all about it by clicking here), but this year […]

Happy Weekend : Date Night at Justus Drugstore

{Photo via Flickr} Last weekend I was lucky enough to meet up with a fun group at the wonderful restaurant Justus Drugstore in Smithville, Missouri. Our good friends live in Smithville, about 30 minutes north of Kansas City, and they have raved about this place since it opened. The chef, Jonathon Justus, transformed the space […]

The Last Minute Mother’s Day Gift Guide

Did you all remember that Mother’s Day is this weekend? As in, the day to celebrate mothers and bring them breakfast in bed? Also known as the day I’d better get to sleep in so help me GOD! Yeah, that one. It’s Sunday! Ahhh! Just in case you’re a bit last minute like I am, […]

Finding the Beauty in Me

{An outtake from a recent self-photo shoot…not perfect, off center and out of focus in my weedy backyard…but still, beautiful.} Throughout the years I have harbored a love/hate relationship with myself. Which, honestly, when I read it right there in print, sounds flat out insane. I mean, I spend so much time lifting other women […]

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