Entries by Megan

Happy Memorial Day!

This is the grave of my sweet uncle who passed away a month and a half ago. We spent the weekend at the family farm, and yesterday Tate and I wandered the open fields picking flowers, which I left for my uncle today. It made me happy that he was so honored at the Kansas […]

Happy Weekend : The Kansas City Zoo

This year we were fortunate enough to be gifted a membership to Kansas City Zoo, and man oh man, are we wearing that thing out! It’s funny, I’ve lived in Kansas City for nine years now, but until this spring, I think I’d only gone to the zoo once or twice. Horrible! Now that we […]

That Red Lipstick

A few years ago I decided I wanted to try wearing red lipstick. I don’t know why the urge to sport scarlet lips hit me right then, but it was love, I tell ya. I wanted so badly to be a girl that could pull off red lips. When I saw women wearing it, I […]

These Girls

Last fall Lucy joined the third soccer team of her short soccer career, one that is mostly full of girls from her elementary school. She has actually played for a few years, once on a random team of girls we didn’t know when she was in the pee-wee league, and two seasons on a team […]

Happy Weekend : The Last Before Summer

Today was a little funny around the Crazybananas house, it’s the last Friday before summer break. In less than a week, school will be out and our first summer with me at home (more) will commence. I am so very excited. In the past, summer’s have been sort of hard for me and the kids. […]

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