Entries by Megan

Dads are the Worlds Greatest

This is one of my favorite photos. A few weeks ago, with much protesting, Lucy decided to learn to ride her two-wheel bike. She’d been putting it off for months, but I finally told her if she wanted a scooter for her birthday (something she wished for on a daily basis) she had to learn […]

Happy Weekend : Sneak Peek

I’m so excited it’s Friday. It’s been a fun, but full, week around here! Lucy started theater camp during the day, and along with my normal work schedule, I also had two photo shoots with some fun people. Tomorrow we have Lucy’s big performance debut as “The Narrator” in the fractured fairy tale “The Three […]

Summer Playlist 2013

It’s that time again, where I share a little bit of what’s been playing in my earbuds lately. When I was putting together this playlist, I was basically imagining I was the one in charge of the playlist at our local pool, and let me tell you, I got a little squirrelly with all the […]

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