Entries by Megan

Re-Entering the Not So Real World

It’s August 1st, and I’m pretty excited about it. I’ll be honest, this year, for my annual July hiatus (aka Digital Sabbatical), I took this thing pretty darn seriously. Usually I spend my hiatus frantically trying to complete a list of goals that I set for myself prior to my break (read 5 books, learn […]

Lemonade Stands and Block Parties

It’s really summer now, isn’t it? Today is actually quite cool for a Kansas summer (65 degrees on my run this morning, what?!), but last week was scalding. We spent most of our time at the pool or in sprinklers, searching for relief from the heat. This weekend was our first annual neighborhood block party, […]

Happy Weekend : Some Fun News!

I am so, so excited to share some amazing news with you all! If you’ve been reading around here for a while, you will probably remember my Go Mighty project from earlier this year (click here to catch up if you have no idea what I’m talking about…). At the completion of that project, the […]

Summer Reads for the Harried Mind

If you’re like me, it’s hard to find time to find time to pick up a good book these days. With work, family obligations, social time and everything else on my plate, good reads tend to be placed next to my bed where they gather dust for months at a time. One of my slow […]

Sleep Deprived and a Little Bit Crazy

Both of my kids have always been champion sleepers. Even at 7, Lucy still needs a good 10 to 12 hours of sleep at night to function like a normal human. Tate is the same way. He’s always slept around 12 hours a night, and still takes 2 to 3 hour naps during the day. […]

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