Entries by Megan

A Little Bit of Vinyl

This summer my in-laws decided to clean out a few sheds on their property that held pretty much everything under the sun. My father-in-law is a bit of a collector…and he does not like to throw things away. Add in the four children and all of their stuff that had amassed over the years, and […]

Happy Weekend : A Summer Carnival

A few weeks ago we attended the Annual 4th of July Celebration in the small town of Wamego, Kansas. We try and go every year, but this was the first time we were blessed with good weather and it was actually cooler than 100 degrees! In fact, it was a crisp 75 degrees, which is […]

A Mile A Day

This July when I was on hiatus from blogging, I decided to take a few teeny steps back in to the workout game. Now, don’t get me wrong, I was telling the truth when I said earlier I didn’t set any lofty goals for myself over this blogging break. Instead of committing to eating salads […]

Back to School Rewind

Is anyone else panicking about school starting in one week?! I sure am. And whenever I feel overwhelmed, I immediately browse the archives of this here blog. I mean, if there’s anything positive about having a blog and being a chronic oversharer, it’s the ability to go back and look at what your life was […]

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