Entries by Megan

A Little Gratitude Practice

In general, we are not a prayerful family. I’d call myself agnostic if I had to label it (which I don’t, personally) and growing up in a rigid, Catholic school sort of taught me to zone out and recite, as opposed to really lifting up hopes, worries and love to a Higher Power. But honestly, […]

Inspired By… Ampersand Design Studio

I am so excited to share another interview from the “Inspired By…” series with you all this beautiful Monday morning! I met the fabulous Carrie Kiefer & Morgan Georgie, creators of Ampersand Design Studio, at Alt Summit in Salt Lake City earlier this year. They gave a roundtable talk on working with your friends, and […]

A Summertime TV Fix

Oh summertime TV, it’s really horrible, isn’t it? Pretty soon all of my favorite TV friends will be back with new episodes, but until then, I’ve been sustaining on my Netflix account and brand new iPad Mini. I’m a little obsessed with both of them, and they’ve made lazy summer nights even more fun. But […]

Be Brave

A friend of mine sent me this video the other day and told me she was thinking of me. You see, my friends, I have been having a tough time. And even though I’m a writer and a storyteller at heart, I have a hard time talking about when things are hard. I gloss it […]

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