Entries by Megan

On My Mind

Gosh, I love New York. It’s always on my mind in the fall. It doesn’t help that I now have this movie on both DVD and on my iPad, so I can visit my favorite city whenever I please. The city is it’s own character in the greatest story, and I never tire of it. […]

Music Monday : Bastille

Sometimes you just hear a band and their music sticks in your head and your heart for days after it leaves your ears. That’s how I felt the first time I heard Bastille’s “Pompeii.” And then I saw this acoustic version recorded in a museum in Paris. Le sigh. If your heart isn’t a little […]

First Days and Cuddlebugs

Yesterday Tate started at his first Parent’s Day Out program. Both of us couldn’t be more excited. After two and half years in full time daycare, having him in a small, close knit class, two days a weeks seems like the right mix for both of us. I get two days completely kid-free and able […]

Hashtag Summer

I can’t believe it’s Labor Day weekend…it seems surreal. Did the entire summer just flash by for anyone else? I feel like yesterday was the last day of school before break, but we are already three weeks in to the new school year around here. And this weekend the few pools that are still open […]

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