Entries by Megan

An Unexpected Homeschool Monday

My poor little family can’t catch a break. After about two weeks of fevers and colds, yesterday we found out that Lulu’s persistent cough had turned into early stages of pneumonia. And while Tate is finally feeling much better, now I seem to have contracted Lulu’s stomach bug from last week. Positive? Due to the […]

Thirty Plus One

Today is my birthday. I’m 31 years old. Somehow, 31 seems like more serious business than 30 was. I mean, when you turn 30, people are still throwing parties for you in Las Vegas. When you are 31, your biggest party might be having both ice cream AND a snickers while watching rom-coms on TV. […]

A Gentlemen’s Debate

How much do I love, LOVE this video…so freaking much. I am personally a horrible debater, I tend to get way to emotionally involved and frazzled until I start saying things like “I know you are, but what am I!” like a fourth-grader. What I wouldn’t give to be as eloquent, funny and smart as […]

A Case of the Mondays in Reverse

So, last week happened. And it wasn’t very fun. I mean, sure, there were happy bits here and there (like the photo above, popsicles are always happy), but for the most part, we were a miserable bunch. We all came down with some sort of cold/flu-like business, which seemed to affect everyone a little differently […]

My Favorite Dancer : A Birthday Photoshoot

I’ve talked a little bit before about my talented niece, Sloan, who has been studying dance for many years. Well, my not-so-tiny dancer is turning 13-years-old tomorrow (!!!!) and for her birthday, she asked that I take some dance photos of her and her best friend. Both Sloan and her friend Caitlyn are serious dancers, […]

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