Entries by Megan

Photos of Motherhood

Source / Source / Source I admit it, I’ve been sort of done with Pinterest lately. For so long it’s just felt like one more social media outlet I have to update, and since I’m not much of a crafter or cook, it didn’t really appeal to me. But I’m starting to get my Pinterest […]

Progress, Not Perfection

I wasn’t a very good blogger this week. I did not follow my (mostly defunct) editorial calendar. I didn’t post regularly, even though a few months back I cut down my regular schedule to make it more manageable. This week, even three posts wasn’t do-able. And it wasn’t because I was swamped or overbooked. The […]

Red or Blue?

UPDATED: Click here to see the winner! Now for a totally vain and self-serving blog post. Because what is a blog (really!?) without a good amount of vanity? Nothing, I tell you, nothing! I am attending a wedding tomorrow for one of my good high school friends AND I CAN’T DECIDE WHAT TO WEAR! ALL […]

I Heart the Internet : Fall Edition

– The above photo of a high school assembly in 1968, via Flickr. – This lip sync battle between Jimmy Fallon, one of his writers and Joseph Gordon-Levitt. I mean, seriously. – Au Revoir Simone’s new song, “Somebody Who.” – Shakespeare being performed in its original accent, as it would’ve been spoken at the time […]

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