Entries by Megan

It’s natural, I tell you!

One small complaint about current place of employment. Small office = bathroom right next to cubicles. I’m a scared pooper. Or maybe a paranoid pooper. I don’t like people to hear me poop (or pee, actually, but I can get past that). I used to be able to hold it until I got home to […]

Saki belly

This weekend may have been the laziest weekend of all people born on this planet, ever. Floatapalooza ’05 was cancelled because of last minute cancelling by rat bastards + Mikayla being so sick she actually didn’t feel bad about calling in sick for work. So, since no one knew we were in town, Trent and […]

Floatapaolooza 2005

After a long week of overtime, broken servers, flooded office buildings, lost volleyball games and all-around meltdowns, the crew is heading off to the Elk River in good ole’ Noel, Missouri, for a floating good time. Though I was in a…brace yourself…gulp…sorority in college, I never actually went on the ceremonial float trip. So, to […]

And it all came crashing down

The e-mail. At work. Has gone crazy. The last two days have been filled with busy signals, undeliverable e-mails and me, in the corner, ripping out my hair and foaming at the mouth. I think that the Internet is mad at me for having a blog when I know close to abso-FUCKING-lutely NOTHING about technology. […]

I couldn’t wait to write this one

I know I’ve written a couple of times today, but this one could not wait till tomorrow. Some random guy I went to elementary and middle school with is going to be on the next Survivor! I used to have a mini-crush on him, and I really wish I had my photo album from 3rd […]

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