Entries by Megan

The Date

November 13th…I’m too lazy to call everyone, so hope you all read this. I think my brain is about to explode with everything that has been going on lately. I am at the point where I am so sleepy and worn-out that I just stare at my computer at work and don’t really get anything […]

I can breathe, FINALLY!

OK, so most of you probably know this already, and if you don’t, please don’t be mad at me because telling one person per day is emotionally tolling on my poor brain and body and heart, so that’s why I haven’t told you yet…anyways, there have been some big changes round here. First, Trent and […]

Wait, what was I doing…?

I have become the laziest form of an ADD patient. I cannot remember a THING I am doing two seconds after I have started doing it. Case in point: I have no idea what I was going to say in this post, but I’ll just keep going with no general direction or cause and hope […]

What’s really important?

I’ve been asking that question of myself a lot lately. As I sit here at work, almost physically unable to sustain all of the changes in my life recently, I wonder: “Is it even worth it to be here?” In the long run of things, getting the schedule to the client a few days early […]

Have you missed me?

Times, they are a’changin’! Sorry it’s been so long since I’ve written, but trust me, if any of you knew what the FUCK was going on, you’d understand my silence. You’ll all know in due time, but until then you all can speculate. Maybe I was offered a job by the CIA, maybe I’m moving […]

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