Entries by Megan

For Mara

I don’t usually post the celebrity gossip, as I’m just not witty or in tune enough since I lack the resources of E! Entertainment Television or VH1, but today I can’t help myself. All of these damn stars are getting fucking pregnant! It’s like they heard, “Hey, that incredibly, talented Megan from Kansas got pregnant, […]

Mental Health Specialists Have Confirmed My Fears

Today is officially the day from hell. In ways I cannot and will not describe because I really do not want to get fired from my job. So, instead of putting all the juicy details about all of the horrible-ness, I am, instead, posting THIS. This is what makes me smile when I feel the […]

Guilty Pleasures

Today, when I called my husband to see how late he was working, I told him the damn baby has been kicking me all day. He asked me how I could go from not being sure if I could even feel the baby to feeling her kick in just a few days. Was I sure […]


Her Royal Bean-ness, Taquita Jezebel Anastasia Peters! Yup, the bean has girl parts. Trent is in so much trouble. The house will now be full of the raging hormones of a woman, a baby girl and a bitchy dog. Estrogen is taking over!

I guess it could be gas

While I’m laying in bed, looking through sites of more interesting people that have WAY more to talk about than shuffleboard, peeing, pooping, puking, etc., I felt something strange in my belly. I am debating whether it was gas or the baby. If it was the baby, then HOLY FUCKING CRAP I JUST FELT ANOTHER […]

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