Entries by Megan

My First Mistake (well…maybe not my first)

Watching Grey’s Anatomy whist carrying a child, therefore causing all normal human emotion to explode out of my ears! Trent bought the first season on DVD and I was so enthralled by Dr. McDreamy and how cute and sweet he used to be back before he screwed Meredith over by choosing his snotty ex-wife over […]

Viva Las Vegas

Ahh, the joys of a mental breakdown. The pressure at work and home has finally started to explode out of all of the holes in my head (eyes, ears, nose, etc.) and everyone had better step out of the way to avoid flying debris. Today, after a bit of exploding this morning, I headed out […]

V-Day Love Letter

Dear Bearded Wonder, What a year it has been. Yesterday you told me when you first met me, you thought I was the kind of person that would always have unique decorations and artwork on the walls of their home. Apparently you thought I was artsy and creative. Well, first impressions can be deceiving. But […]

Whatever Happened to Lazy Sunday?

The few of you that still actually read this on a daily basis may have noticed the lack of postings the past week. You probably blame me, but I blame the cold/sinus infection that has taken over my body from the lungs up. I also blame the very large project we just sold at my […]

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