Entries by Megan

Tale of the Non-Geek

I know, there’s always an excuse, but this time I really do have a problem. Besides my normal problems. My computer officially thinks it is Sunday, January 11, 1970. Now, I think this is strange for several reasons. Number one, I was not alive in 1970. Number two, this website obviously did not exist in […]


Saturday night I had the most horrible, awful dream of all time. I think that part of it had to do with the fact that I went out to a bar last night in an attempt to “hang out” with a bunch of Trent’s guy friends and their significant others. For the first time in […]

Marney or Hemmingway?

Two name suggestions from my mother, who told me this while drinking a vodka and cranberry. She also told me about the woman she gave a ride from the park, who apparently smelled like alcohol and had no shoes. “Mom, she was probably homeless! You can’t just go around picking up homeless people.” “Shit, Megan, […]

Countdown to Birthing

OK, so I know that I’ve bitched alot about this pregnancy on this website. I also know that everyone else is aware that I AM EXCITED about having this baby and everything else that comes with it. But this is getting fucking ridiculous: 3 nights without sleeping (unless you count doozing for about 30 to […]

Little Spam King

Listen here you little newb piece of shit. Why don’t you stop playing around before you get yourself trouble. You are obviously some stupid kid connecting from the Anchorage School District in Alaska. Don’t make me track your real name down and come up to kick your ass.. or maybe I’ll just tell your SysAdmin. […]

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