Entries by Megan

Shoulda, Woulda, Coulda

I really must remember not to wear thongs while pregnant. It is just not very pleasant, and, in general, a bad move on my part. Stupid girl. Note: This is why this cannot be a family-oriented site. Because then where would I talk about my thong?

Reminders of Another Era

This weekend I began the tedious task of uploading all of my backlogged photos to Flickr. My dear old Macaroni is pretty much in the pooper, and it wouldn’t let me export files to any outside drive. So, as a compromise, I decided to upload the files to Flickr. That’s what I call a diplomatic […]

Happy Late B-day!

To the bestest sister in the world! My sister has become my absolute rock. This year, not only did she continue to be the most supportive, helpful person she always has been, she gave me love and that extra push when I needed it the most. Besides all of the material things (the washer, the […]

Breakfast of Champions

1 Bacon, egg and cheese buscuit from McD’s 1 Dr. Pepper 1/2 Bag of Starburst jellybeans 1 Slice of three-day-old birthday cake This is going to be one hyperactive, sugar-coated child. P.S. We’ve opened comments temporarily. If you abuse, I will turn them off again and require everyone to register with Typekey. And I know […]

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