Entries by Megan


Nope, nothing, nada, niet, niente. No baby. Boo. I think that I will have this baby sometime in the year 2011. Until then I will just be miserable and pregnant. Also, a warning to anyone calling about the baby. CHECK YOUR TV SCHEDULES BEFORE YOU START FREAKING OUT AND CALLING THE HOSPITAL!!! When you’re calling […]


I just sent an email to someone with the word awesomeness in it, and spell check corrected my spelling of awesomeness (I forgot the first e). I didn’t even realize that awesomeness was an actual word. When did spell check become cooler than me?

Yup, she’s a’comin!

So I went back to the doctor yesterday and they told me the baby probably won’t come this week, but she could come this week so I should be prepared. Prepared?! How the holy hell do I prepare?! So my preparation has consisted of trying not to break out into hives and taking my sorry […]

Here we go again…

I know, it’s bad. I’m getting so close to birthing this child and work is just freaking nuts, so I haven’t had alot of time (or energy) to post. It may just be like that until after the baby is born. Or until Trent fixes our wireless router. Whichever comes first…

Holy Crap, she’s coming

I’m 1 cm dialated and 50% effaced. Help me GOD!

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