Entries by Megan

Visiting Collegues

“Look at you and Miss Lucy! You totally match, that’s so cute.” “Actually, I didn’t even realize we were matching until I got her out of the car.” “Sure, I bet you were originally wearing your green gingham outfit, but you thought that was too obvious and changed before you got here.” “How well you […]


At this moment we (and when I say “we” I mean myself and the baby) are experimenting with a new napping technique called “Not Being Swaddled.” The child can burst out of the tightest swaddles, swaddles that would even render an octopus motionless, so I thought I’d try to put her down without being swaddled […]


My new boss is such a whiney, little thing. She cries about the silliest things, and she’s never satisfied with my work. She’s always sneaking off for naps during the day, but the minute I try to take a break she demands my attention. She requires me to work early, late and on weekends, for […]

Baby Lucy, Movie Star

My first attempt at uploading video of Lucy. If you notice the two versions of stage three, just ignore it, I am a new mother and I’m too exhausted to redo the video title shots. Click on the video to play. Hope you enjoy!

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