Entries by Megan

In My Absence

This week has been absolutely CRAZY (small sidenote: I’ve finally heard that Gnarls Barkley song “Crazy” and now it is replaying in my head constantly, so when you read the above sentence make sure to think of that song when you read “CRAZY.” Then you’ll have it in your head too, and I won’t feel […]

Kevin Federline Would Be So Jealous

This weekend, while testosterone took over my house in the form of a bachelor party, I decided to go to my sister’s neighborhood pool to show off my fabulous, new mom-suit. I haven’t worn a one-piece swimsuit since I was about 12, and now I can remember why I hate them so much. Not only […]

Just Doing It To Upset Mama

Every day I spend hours trying to capture the abosolutely, heartmelting moments when Lucy cracks up smiling. I always get her to laugh hysterically, but by the time the camera focuses, flash adjusts and photo is snapped, she is usually making her tongue out drool face, which makes her look like an escapee from a […]

Another Break Up

If these two crazy kids can’t make it, is there really hope for the rest of us? That’s what you get for refusing PARIS (yes, PARIS. Paris VOGUE. Dumbass) for a greasy boy with badly groomed facial hair. Seriously, almost ruined my summer.

2 Months

Dear Lucy, Last Thursday you turned two months old. I would’ve written then, but hey, I’m a mother and it’s a miracle if I remember to brush my teeth every day, so be happy this is getting written at all! You have changed so much in the last month, it’s hard to know where to […]

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