Entries by Megan

Some Thoughts

Today, while I was close to tears over the fact that my baby was refusing to nurse, I began to do my daily internet surfing. My first stop, as always, was CNN.com to see recent news stories. It was there I was first bombarded with images of 9/11. The Twin Towers burning over New York […]

I Love Lucy (in spite of myself)

That is my new mantra, “I love Lucy.” Especially since she has officially decided she does not like nursing anymore. Lucy has taken up a nursing strike. Yes, it does really exist. I can just see her, picketing my boobs with a sign that reads, NO MORE BREASTS! So, while I have been at home […]

Date Night Hangover

Trent and I finally had our first date night in a LONG time last night. We went out for a lovely al fresco dinner on the Plaza, drank a few glasses of wine, then realized that we had to be home in an hour. So what did we do? We went to a bar and […]

Because I am a Follower

Today I really don’t have anything interesting to say. I’m very tired (not sure why, might be catching something) and a bit grumpy. Tonight is FINALLY date night for Trent and I, so I’m looking forward to that. Oh, and I have now cooked two, count em’ TWO, fantastic dinners in a week. Rachel Ray […]

3 Months

Dear Lucy, I’ve finally done it! I’m actually writing this on your three-month birthday. Not a week after, but on the actual day. See, I’m getting better at this mom stuff every day! This month has been full of changes. Actually, I’m starting to see a theme here. Every month seems to be full of […]

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