Entries by Megan

Excuse our mess

We’re going through some changes here at Crazybananas headquarters, so while we’re in transition, you may notice some strange tweeks in the site. Let me know what you think of our new design, positive or negative, as we haven’t really finished it yet and are working on some changes as we speak. Please also note […]

Katie, Opinions

Here is an interesting article on Alpha Mom about Katie Couric’s entry on the evening news scene? What do you all think? By the way, if I don’t get any comments on this, and I get comments on my baby’s poopy diapers, we will all need to re-evaulate what we’re spending time thinking about!


The following is an exerpt from a conversation that Lucy is having right now, even though, technically, right now she should be taking a nap. This conversation is taking place in her crib and has been going on for the last hour. Lucy: “AHHHHH! Oooooh, ah, pssst, gah, ga-Ah, oooo, hehehehe, YAH!” Translation: “Hands, oh […]

Happy Birthday to ME!

Today I turn 24 years old. I’m not sure what else to say about it except, damn, I feel old. I know that 24 isn’t that old, but when your 3 month old baby is screaming in the other room, you feel much older. I think if you have a kid you should tack on […]

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