Entries by Megan

What I Got

Lately I’ve been feeling a bit depressed, a bit low. I’m not sure what really brought it on, probably a combination of new motherhood and exhaustion. I know many new mothers go through this, but as I hadn’t really experienced it, I was caught offgaurd. I started to feel kind of worthless, like what I […]


As I’ve mentioned before, the last month or so we at Crazy Bananas headquarters have been in the process of upgrading this site. This included a couple of design changes, along with brand new elements. And when I say we, I mean I tell Trent to do something and he does it for me. That, […]

Rant, rant, rant

I’ve been dreading this day for several weeks. Today I had to go to the evil hell known as the dentist. I don’t think I can describe in mere words how much I HATE going to the dentist. I’ve started this ongoing cycle where I go to the dentist, they tell me I have a […]

I wish my dog could do this

Lately I’ve been receiving some unpleasant comments about how I do not update this site enough. Well, that’s true, but mostly because I’m tired and when I’m tired I don’t feel very funny. And unless I’m feeling funny, odds are I’m not going to be writing on this site. Today I am feeling particularly not […]

Lemmings Are Cool

As all seven of you that read this site know, I’ve finally jumped off the cliff and joined Facebook. For anyone else out there, like maybe my mother, who don’t know what Facebook is, it is basically My Space for college kids (yeah, because my mother will understand that comparison) and it has now opened […]

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