Entries by Megan


I hope you enjoy the case of Pabst I gave you to celebrate your stupid “album” dropping, because that is the LAST THING you are going to get from me EVER. I hope your cornrows all fall out and you trip on your manpris and you break your face and you crash your car.

Vote people!

Today’s the day, people! Doesn’t matter who you’re voting for (well, I guess it does, but that’s neither here nor there), just get out there and vote. Lucy and I are headed out to our voting location right now, and she’s all dressed up for the occasion. Even if you don’t agree with her (which […]

5 months

Dear Lucy, This morning, when you woke up an hour and a half early, I wasn’t sure what your deal was. But now I think you may have realized that today was your 5-month birthday and were too excited to sleep. That seems to be a running trend this month, being too excited to sleep. […]

Enough, already

As election day draws near, anyone living in Kansas City is being exposed to the new form of political advertising. I know negative ads are not new, but this year they just seem amazingly extreme. Both sides are at fault, especially here in Kansas City where one of the big senatorial races is being conducted […]


OK kids, here they are, pics from our first Halloween with lovely, little Lucy. Click on the photos for more.

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