Entries by Megan


Why do babies have to grow up? And get teeth? And wake up at 3 a.m. crying hysterically because of the pain in their mouths? And not nap because of the pain in their mouths? And act EXTREMELY crabby because of the pain in their mouths? And why is it sleeting/snowing today? Last night I […]

Is it bad when…

you leave the room and find the baby in the fireplace when you return? Or when someone leaves your house by telling you they are going to go wake up their girlfriend and try to get some sex?

Holiday Hoopla

The holiday season has begun. And I’m already tired, stuffed and ready for January 2nd. Of course, I love spending time with family and friends back in good ole’ Manhattan, Kansas, but it’s just so exhausting! I’m ready to crash for the next week. In the spirit of the season, I’d like to share with […]

Daddy’s Girl

I put Lucy down for her nap about an hour ago. When Lucy is sleeping, she has a sound machine that’s usually on. We started using it when she was teeny, and it worked so well, we decided not to get rid of it. You just set that sucker to white noise and we could […]

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