Entries by Megan

On Britney

Me: You don’t know, she might have postpartum psychosis or something. Trent: Whatever, she needs to buck up and take care of her shit. Me: But she’s just had two kids in a year and a half. That has to totally wreck your mental state. Plus all the chemicals released in her brain. Maybe she […]

My New Drug

Shopping for baby clothes at Old Navy is just sickeningly addictive. They always seem to be having a sale on baby clothes, and how could you not buy this! It says “My Mommy’s a Rockstar!” though you can’t really tell in this pic….oh and this! Gaaahhhh! I feel myself wanting to purchase more already! And […]

Goodbye Winter?!

I haven’t been writing the past few days because it has been effing B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L outside! We’ve been going for walks and (get this) actually leaving the house! I’m starting to get way to excited for spring, but I’m trying not to get my hopes up. This is Kansas, land of wheat, the Wizard of Oz, […]


He’s Got No Teeth — What’s the Worst That Could Happen? Mom about baby crying in stroller: Ugh, I gotta go feed him. Friend: You want me to do it? Mom: Um, I breastfeed. Friend: I could give it a whirl.

The Official End to My Youth

No, it didn’t happen when the baby was born. It will end, ceremoniously, next week. Thursday, to be exact. The show that gave us Chrismakah, Adam Brody, Rachel Bilson and that spawned Laguna Beach (therefore spawning the best reality show The Hills) is ending. How I will miss the Cohen’s and the fighting by the […]

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