Entries by Megan


The child has been spitting constantly for the past two days…reminds me of that girl that had the hiccups for two months or something, except Lucy is doing it on purpose.

Boo Movable Type

The lack of entries lately is due to my publishing software, Movable Type, giving me lots of strange error messages. More after this is fixed. Oh, and I am so tired of interviewing for jobs. Just thought I’d add that.


This is a clip of the documentary Jesus Camp where a mother teaches her son that global warming isn’t really happening…..so frightening.

9 Months

Dear Lucy, This weekend you turned nine months old. I had planned to write a fabulous post with some new photos of you with your cute, little pigtails, but then I scheduled too many things and our basement flooded and my computer access was limited. So I apologize if this is a little scattered and […]

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