Entries by Megan

A Moment of Peace

The new job requires me to get up at, gasp, 5:00 a.m. (4:30 if I need to look somewhat presentable, but lately, I haven’t been looking very presentable!). In my misery, I’ve really started to enjoy my mornings. It’s so peaceful and quiet, sometimes the sun is up, sometimes is still quite dark, but it […]

Working on My Self-Esteem

As everyone probably has figured out by now, I have re-entered corporate America. Yeah for spreadsheets! And fighting with assistants over the cost of a $4 pair of scissors! And carpal tunnel! Whopee! Actually, the new job isn’t that bad, borderline fun, and, so far, the people I work with seem to be fairly normal […]

People Who Make Me Laugh

Email I read this morning at 5:30 right before I left for work in response to me not being able to come to her wedding and the thought that I may just send Trent in my place: “That’s OK about the wedding. Please don’t just send Trent. He might perform some sort of LAN miracle […]


In case anyone is still reading this site, we are still attempting to make some major changes. That, combined with my new FULL TIME JOB plus Lucy plus Trent plus gin equals no posting on this site. Sorry. I probably should write something about the horrible thing that happened on Monday, but I really have […]

Oh, the drama

So, it’s been a stressful week. Lucy and I were in New Jersey and were sick as effing dogs! Lucy spent one lovely night screaming to make sure I was fully aware of how miserable she was. Oh, and she didn’t poop for four days. FOUR. DAYS. Now I’ve officially started my new job and […]

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