Entries by Megan

Mandy Moore Movie Night

As I’ve mentioned on several occasions, I am totally awesome. Really. The coolest. If there was any doubt in your mind, I’d like to present to you a visual representation of my Saturday night. Trent was out of town on business and I was supposed to have a movie night with someone (AHEM, Mikayla!), but […]

Friday is for losers

I have no idea what the title of this post means, except it’s been a long week and I’ve pumped myself full of caffiene just to stay upright at my desk. And there is really no hope of a good post today. But I will share with all three of you lovely readers my companion […]

Space Camp Thursday

“Pretty woman had the debate team, I screwed the whole damn Space Camp.” – Provided by a co-worker who really likes coming up with quotes to go with my Space Camp pictures. I believe this is because of an intense jealously she feels, as she did not have the opportunity to attend Space Camp. I […]

Hypocrisy (not hypocracy, I looked it up)

I’m a freak about money. A total freak. It’s not that I know anything about financing or saving or anything having to do with managing one’s assets, I just know that spending money means less money for me. So I’m a freak. I obesses over every single purchase I make and I never, NEVER, buy […]

Tomorrow is only a day away

More proof that I am, indeed, a rather large dork. Now, the question is, am I a bigger loser for taking this quiz, for getting all the questions right on this quiz or for reading People.com?

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