Entries by Megan


I’m out of town at a conference for work and MY GOD I’m tired. So tired. So very, very tired. Instead of being smart and going to bed early in my clean, expensive hotel room, I stayed out waaaay too late. And now I’m sitting in a meeting about to die. Just die. But I […]


It’s so strange for me to think that Lucy will never know a world where 9/11 is just another day on the calendar. That she’ll never understand the freedom of thinking that we are so far away (physically, politically, socially) from those who disagree with our way of life that they would never be able […]

The Photo Chronicles Continue

I spent a good part of my weekend lying in bed with the worst stomach pains since I gave birth to that baby a year ago. I’m still not quite sure what I had [read: still have], but the pain has subsided enough that I can actually sit up straight and finally got some sleep […]


When I started this new job in April, I was a bit worried, as my last job was just horrendous. Frightening. Scary. A huge yuck-fest. But the new job has turned out to be the complete opposite. The people are fairly friendly and easy-going, the work is stimulating and I don’t feel like stabbing pencils […]

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