Entries by Megan

And then Trent threw the TV out the window

I’m obsessive, have I mentioned that? And when it comes to movies, it can get really bad. I’ll find a movie I like and then I’ll watch it over and over and over again. I’ll tell little white lies to friends saying, “Why no, I haven’t seen that movie” just so they’ll watch it with […]

Confessions of a Couch Potato

When Megan asked me to put together a post on my T.V. picks, I was thrilled. As a little girl raised on soaps and the A-Team, I have developed an appreciation for programming that is often trashy and over-the-top. My taste in T.V. is pretty diverse, though a little heavy on “soapy” shows. Here’s my […]

Gaining Wisdom

What I learned this weekend: -I am not twenty-one years old. -I am no longer young or hot enough to get a drink at a crowded college bar. -I do not and will never fit into a shirt labeled extra-small. -If you tell the bartender you have a pregnant friend and need a water, like […]

Guest Bananas

Welcome to a whole new section of Crazy Bananas, called Guest Banana. Are you excited? Well, you should be. I’ve been a bit overwhelmed with all of these dang responsibilities that being a mom, wife, IT consultant, Power Point operator, writer and primetime television watcher entails. So, in order to ease the burden a bit, […]

Dear K-State Fans,

Please stop forwarding me the same email over and over. I have received over 10 copies of the email titled “Fwd: Fwd: Fwd: Fwd: Re: KSU vs KU” and I get it! Our coach is fat. See: I understand! Your coach is not fat, ours is. That does not change the fact that we are […]

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