Entries by Megan

Can you handle the Might?

There are a few blogs I’ve been reading since the beginning of time. Well, at least since I started working full time after college and decided reading daily blogs was way more interesting then listening to secretaries talk about their cats or cowering to bosses screaming at you for doing exactly what they asked you, […]

Space Camp Thursday

And you thought the guys at Space Camp would be dorky. I mean, come on. Great head of hair? Check! Obedient? Check! A posse of girls drooling all over him? Check! Body of a transformer with a creepy mannequin-head? Check, check!

My Gay-Dar is So Off

And you all thought the Harry Potter drama was over. Book has been read, podcasts (or should I say, Mugglecasts) have been listened to, and there is not going to be a movie for another year or so. But, wait! It’s back in the news! From Best Week Ever. OK, so I’m sure I should […]


I saw this article in the NY Times and just HAD to share with all of you. “Just what does a gay millionaire former boy-bander would-be astronaut do?” Why? Well, let’s see…gay millionaire. Former boy-bander. Would-be astronaut. Doesn’t that just sound like an article that was written for people like me? Click here to read […]

More Photographic Inspiration

Go here. What do you think? Pretty incredible, huh? I’ve been working on some research for new shooting techniques and his HDR photography is right at the top of my list. As always, though, it requires buying some new equipment and software. My two biggest issues right now are trying to get my slow-ass computer […]

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