Entries by Megan

Ridiculously Addictive

Holy crap, this site is addictive. How am I supposed to get any work done when I’m trying to test my geography skills. Especially when I’m so bad….I need to get out more.

Green Tip of the Week

Try using reusable bags instead of getting a new plastic bag each time you shop. These ones are great, because not only do they come in fun, modern colors, they also fold up into little keychain clips. Easy to carry, and always at the ready. I got mine at a local store for $4.99, and […]

Out of Office:

Megan is currently at the farm in Manhattan, drinking wine and hearing lots of stories about pig testicles from her father-in-law, the large animal vet. Did you know you can trade in pig testicles for money? Did you want to know? Yeah, she didn’t either. But she does now. She plans on spending the weekend […]


So, I meant to write a HUGE, GINORMOUS post by today. I really did. It was going to have beautiful photos and illustrations and unicorns and rainbows would come out of your computer screen and you’d hear angels singing and the snozzberries would taste like snozzberries…but I digress. Instead, I spent most of my evening […]

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