Entries by Megan

This is a post about Anna Banana

Sitting on the steps of the duomo in Florence, waiting to for the rest of the group to arrive. Not realizing that this was the most amazing meeting place on the planet. The train ride through Tuscany to the beach. That first night in Florence, when we went for a walk in the rain and […]

What I’ve Been Waking Up To

The baby has now learned how to take off her jammies and diaper in the morning if we’re not quick enough to get into her room right as she wakes up. It was a bit of a shock the first day, but now it’s just like, “Oh, look, Lu is naked again.” Similar to how […]

It’s in the Cards

Last weekend Trent decided to take a rare night off from work to hang out at home and get some projects done. The weather was unseasonally warm (which lasted only a day, I blame the groundhog) and we could actually sit out on our front porch in jeans and t-shirts instead of full ski gear. […]

Friend Date

I am a busy person. I have a kid and a job and a husband that suck up a majority of my time. I also have this little website that seems to need an obscene amount of cuddling. And I take way to many pictures, whic subsequently must be edited and tweaked and pretty-fied. I […]

The List

Every person on the planet has one. Even if it’s not formal, or shared with your signifacant other, it still exists. The List. The List is basically what it’s name suggests. It’s a list. Creative, huh? But here’s the catch: it’s a list of the 5 people you are allowed to do the horizontal hokey […]

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