Entries by Megan

When Life Is Crazy (Fun)

When life is so fun and busy and silly that you don’t have time to blog, all you can do is post a few snaps from your phone and hope the joy shines through! I’m supposedly getting a new iPhone soon to replace my old iPhone 4, and I CANNOT WAIT to use it’s fancy […]

Where Are My Favorite Facebook Posts?

A few weeks ago a friend and I were chatting and she mentioned she’d missed seeing my Crazybananas Fan Page updates on Facebook. Well, imagine my surprise, because I have been posting to Facebook more often then this here blog. Whoops. But somehow she hadn’t seen any of it, which is a huge bummer because […]

The Secret

I was tagged by a friend for a gratitude challenge on Facebook, and while I know I’m supposed to list out things I’m grateful for today, I don’t know how to limit myself to only a few. My life is so full, so silly wonderful, narrowing it down would be impossible. I believe we go […]

First Aid Kit : Stay Gold

Nothing like a little First Aid Kit on a rainy, autumn Friday afternoon. What if our hard work ends in despair? What if the road won’t take me there? Oh, I wish, for once, we could stay gold What if to love and be loved’s not enough? What if I fall and can’t bear to […]

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