Entries by Megan

Another one where I wish I was in England

You all know I love me some Netflix. When we cancelled our cable television service due to insane-o pricing a few years ago, the deal was we’d get a Netflix membership to hold us over until the price for 400 channels fit a bit more snugly into our budget. And even though Netflix can screw […]

When Blond Meets Brunette Meets Booze

So, I had a really long post that I was going to write today all about my obsession with British television….but then I went to a certain movie last night with a few girlfriends and had a few dozen martinis. On a Monday. What was I thinking? Well, I’m not totally sure there was thinking […]


When I was about 4 or 5 years old, my parents purchased a rickety, old cabin on a lake in rural Kansas. I basically grew up at this place, spending my summers swimming for hours on end, looking for fireflys and lizards to keep as pets, staring at the stars that were so brilliant on […]

The Political Post

Since no one reads blogs on Fridays anyway, I figured it’s the perfect day for me to spew some political talk. And when I say spew, I mean talk about something I know very little about….soooooo, let’s keep in mind that these are MY opinions. And as this is MY (except when Lu gets a […]

Another Fight I Never Thought I’d Have

Scene: Woman comes home from work not feeling well. She heads to the bathroom to take care of business, followed by a leery toddler. Toddler asks to brush her teeth, read a book and brush her hair, all whilst the poor woman tries to relieve herself. The following exchange ensues: Lu: I want. MINE! [Woman […]

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