Entries by Megan

World’s Okay-est Halloween

I love Halloween. It’s by and far my favorite of all the holidays, mostly because it’s a little bit morbid, I don’t have to fight about church with anyone AND there’s an endless supply of mini-Twix that my children willingly collect for me while I just sit back and enjoy. Other things I love: costumes, […]

Eight and Some Change

There is something very strange about having a daughter. When you’re young, you strive for independence, to be your own person, someone who is separate from everyone and everything else. You pride yourself on your “you-ness.” You are unique, you are special, there is no one like you….and then you have a daughter. All at […]

Crazybananas Vlog – Blogger Burnout

It may have taken a little time, but the second Crazybananas Vlog is here! Hooray! Today I’m talking all about Blogger Burnout, a topic I know very well. I have been blogging for 10 years, and like everything in life, my blogging has gone in cycles. At one point I was posting daily, now it’s […]

Three and Three-Quarters

Yesterday we were driving in the rain when he let out a big, dramatic sigh. “Mama, I’m sad.” “Why are you sad, buddy?” (another big sigh) “Because we never, EVER get to go to space!” “Where?!” “Space! You know, up there!” (points to the sky) “Well, dude, I wish we could go, but we don’t […]

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