Entries by Megan

So Lu’s at my office today

She came home from a fun weekend with Grammy more constipated then I’ve ever seen her. Her stomach is hard as rock, and we spent over 6 hours awake last night, rubbing her belly and cheering every time she farted. Ahhh, back to the life of a parent. I believe it was only a day […]

Lessons Learned

Today Lucy comes home from an extended holiday vacation with her Grammy. Not having her around for a few days has been just plain weird. Weird because we’re going on with our everyday lives, but she isn’t in them (except via phone) and weird because I’m starting to see a bit of what my life […]

Dear Lucy,

I miss you. I know you’re having fun at Grammy’s house, but the house is too quiet when you’re not in it. No one has followed me into the bathroom today or sat on the floor talking to inanimate objects. I’m aware that Grammy’s house is fun and she has kittens to play with, but […]

From Kansas, With Love

This morning, while on my way to a meeting in my hometown, I heard two local radio DJ’s bantering (questionable) about topics that were all over the news this weekend. Some exerpts: “They got really lucky with Gustav. I mean, I don’t think they were recovered from…..that other one…..what was it? Oh…Katrina!” “I thought it […]

Jung Test aka How I’m Just Like Oprah and Ralph Nader

I’m usually pretty wary of online quizzes or anything of that persuasion, but sometimes you just want to find out how much you are like Mikhail Gorbachev. I’ve taken the Jung personality test twice in two days, to see if my result would be different. And although I remained in the same main group each […]

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