Entries by Megan

Addicted to Etsy

A few days ago, after my beloved television had been shipped off to our new house, I tweeted (twittered?) about what one does when they are drinking wine and don’t have basic cable to keep them company. My response showed what a large divide there is between men and women when it comes to Internet-based […]

In Limbo

Last week, after I signed my life away to the bank funding my mortgage loan, we finally got ourselves together and started moving several carloads of crap from one side of town to the other. One of these days I will write a post describing this strange transition, how you can feel like you’re in […]

That One

This week has been hard, and he’s stood by me like the rock he is. He’s encouraged me, held my hand, rubbed my shoulders, felt me up, brushed away my tears, held my hair away from my soaked face, made me laugh despite myself, listened to my fears, and opened my eyes. He has rocked […]

Have I Mentioned?

I bought a house on Tuesday. Yup, we did it. Even with the financial world crumbling around us, we still found a way to get a loan and find a place we like and sign a bajillion papers until…dun, dun, dah! We’re first-time homeowners. And how did I react? Well, Monday night Trent and I […]

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