Entries by Megan

Abbie in a Nutshell

This is a short video clip I took over break when Lucy and I went to visit my buddy Abbie and her family. You may remember Abbie from our very serious Obama vs. McCain debates this past November. Very serious stuff, people. Anywho, Abbie is a very best friend of mine, but I have to […]

This should be a Tweet

Did you all know that the song “Peaches” by The Presidents of the United States of America is actually a song about women’s private bits? Seriously! {Don’t worry, it’s just the music video, nothing unsuitable for work or anything…this is a family blog} I spent most of my sixth grade year singing this song in […]

Happier Times

Hey, remember back in 2008? Back when things were simpler? My computer had not yet crashed, my photos were not yet lost and my mind was less crazy than it is in 2009? Good times. I guess one good thing came out of my laptop eating its own memory, I was forced to return to […]

Goodbye 2008

Thanks to all of you for reading my verbal outpouring this past year. May your 2009 include more fun, laughter and less crushing financial crises than 2008. The future is looking good, we all just have to keep on keepin’ on. If you need me, I’ll be out at a swanky party drinking champagne. Or, […]

Dear Lulu,

It’s been quite a long time since my last letter to you, love, but I want you to know there were only good intentions behind my decision to keep you a bit further away from the public eye. As another year is coming to a close, I thought it was about time I wrote you […]

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