Entries by Megan

CB Reads : Classics and Heaven

I had no idea that 2014 was going to be the year I remembered how much I dearly love to read. For the past few years, reading lost it’s luster for me. It took time, of which I clearly had little, and patience, of which I had almost none. When I would collapse after a […]

Practice Makes Better (But Definitely Not Perfect)

I’m not a good goal setter. Everyone who knows me or has heard me talk about this topic knows I struggle to keep and set goals. As a former perfectionist, goals can be triggering for me. When I set a goal, and don’t achieve it, I can find myself in a shame spiral that’s difficult […]

On Messing Up and Finding Joy

Yesterday I messed up. Every other Tuesday, Tate and I pack ourselves up after we take Lucy to school and we head to what Tate calls “playgroup.” Actually, it’s a moms group that I joined this year, which meets twice monthly to learn from each other and from experts on this strange phenomenon called parenting. […]

2015 : Love

A few weeks ago we closed the book on 2014, and it got me thinking about everything I learned this year. It’s overwhelming. I’ve gained so much knowledge about this person I’m becoming and about the universe that surrounds me. The biggest thing? Probably the knowledge that I am not one thing, and I don’t […]

Elsewhere : Family Time is Gaming Time

I’m over at Pixelkin.org talking about we use gaming time as family time… But truly, I think that gaming together is a positive solution to my screen time issues. One of the largest problems I have with my kids’ screen time is too often I find myself giving them TV, tablet or computer time as […]

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