Entries by Megan


I’ve refrained from posting about the Haiti situation here because no words I have could ever come close to describing what a great human disaster this is. I’ve been posting on Twitter, some things you can do to help the people of Haiti, but for the purposes of this space, I’ll just link to this […]

Baby, It’s Cold Outside

Looking at photos from this year’s holiday bonanza and I find myself saying, “How in the world did I get so very, very lucky?” No clue. But I’ll take it. Get the flash player here: http://www.adobe.com/flashplayer

The Beginning of the End

We’re a mere 16 days away from the end of NYC + KC, and both Theresa and I are probably as surprised as you are that we’ve kept this up a whole year! We’ve relaxed our uploading practices a bit so we’re usually about two weeks behind (that’s why if you go to the site, […]

Confessions on Life, Death and God

This year for Christmas, along with the required romantic comedy in my stocking, Trent got me two lovely gifts. In packages, wrapped up tight, were two Postsecret books. I’ve been following Postsecret for ages, but had never gotten around to purchasing any of the several bound compilations of secrets that creator Frank Warren had put […]

Snow Day

It’s cold. Seriously, like, really f’ing cold. This morning it took the will power of a king to get me out of bed and to work at 7. Then home by 11 to relieve the husband for child duty so he could go to work as well. We both had HUGE proposals due. Lucy’s school […]

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