Entries by Megan

We Need Some Glowsticks

I have had a hard week. It seems like everything that could go wrong, did. 1. Workload exploded. 2. Family member got really, really, scarily sick. 3. My medical condition got worse. 4. I pulled my shoulder muscle during yoga. 5. There was no wine in the house, so I had to have a glass […]

Why Wasn’t This On My 100 Things List?

A few weeks back, my friend and fellow watcher of awful television, Lane, sent me a quick email. It seems Miss Lane often attends book signings at a certain bookstore in Kansas City, especially for gifts for her young nieces. And this certain bookstore now sends her emails about upcoming writers that will be doing […]

Snow Day Mix

It’s snowing. Again. And so, I made a playlist to listen to while I watch these giant flakes fall outside my window. Enjoy. Then go book yourself a vacation someplace warm. Do it for me. (Music props to @kuirishgirlie and @TrustTheDust…without their daily Blips I’d find it very hard to get through the day)

Growed Up

Apparently this is what happens when you wait three years to return somewhere. Your kid grows in to a giant. (See my previous post for the original photo, and to see how different the light is in Boulder in the summer…so warm!) We’re back from Colorado and work has swallowed us whole. When I have […]

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