Entries by Megan


Lulu turns four years old this week, and I would like nothing more but for the world to just stop turning. For her to stay three forever. For her to tell me that I’m a super-mommy and that we’re the same because we both have blue eyes. For our frequent performances of her schoolday, as […]

Best Family Picture Ever

Taken by Erin, right after the Rutgers graduation ceremony. In our defense, I was calling Trent’s mom, who’d been separated from the group, and he was trying to text her. But it just looks like we’re total bonehead, hipster parents. Which, eh? We can be sometimes. And Lulu is gifting me dandelions. Which is just […]

Cuteness Explosion: First Friday Edition

It makes me so happy that my lovely friends from my hometown are finally moving to my home away from home. I’ve lived in Kansas City now longer than anywhere else, except that town where I grew up, and at times I find it hard to believe that I’ve been here over six years. Insanity, […]

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